Currently, I am NOT accepting new clients for individual therapy! Contact me if you'd like to schedule a training or presentation.


First, same.  

Second, it is important to me that the content of my presentations is evidence-based and cites current research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and/or psychotherapy. So, yes…it will be a bit nerdy at times.  

That said, I try to distill the vast amount of information that’s available into bite-sized chunks that you can use in your real life.  

While I can’t guarantee that some of the information we cover in our trainings won’t bring up memories of past trauma, I can promise that I will practice healing-centered engagement myself. That means, at a minimum, I will be transparent about any videos or images I show that might be triggering, and I will follow-up with you if you did feel triggered by any of our discussions.  

The fact that you’re asking this questions makes me think you are! I believe that the first step to meaningful change is recognizing that there’s a problem…that seems to be where you are.  

Part of the consultation process includes assessing where your organization is in terms of awareness of trauma and its impacts, attitudes about what helps people heal from trauma, and the level of autonomy your department or organization has over its policies and procedures. Healing-centered engagement can happen at many levels, so it’s likely we’ll be able to identify even small ways your organization can change. 

The psychiatrist Irvin Yalom (one of my idols) once said, “It’s the relationship that heals.” 


IMHO, a good therapist will help you understand your past, how trauma from your childhood might be affecting your current relationships, and how to develop new interpersonal skills. But if you don’t have a trusting relationship with that therapist, it’s likely that none of that stuff will stick.   

I truly believe that my job isn’t to give you answers; it’s to ask you the right questions. I come up with these questions based on my training in cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal process therapy, and trauma-focused treatments. I also draw heavily on my understanding of multicultural issues in counseling, as well as existential concerns (i.e., “What’s the meaning of life?”). 

My hope is to create an environment where you can discover your authentic self, and then learn to love that person!  

Yes. Yes, I will. But in my experience, most people don’t come to therapy because of what they’re feeling. They come because of how they are JUDGING their feelings.  

My hope is that through our work together, you’ll begin to understand that your feelings are neither “bad” nor “good.” Rather, feelings are data that help you figure out what to do next.  

Folks “in the biz” know that people can have “Big T” and “Little t” trauma. While you may not have experienced a single, major traumatic event, you may have had many small injuries that leave you feeling dissatisfied with your life.  

All of this is good fodder for therapy. My hope is that the connections that you make between your past and present will help you feel more alive in the future.  

Currently, I do not take insurance for individual therapy. Here are my fees:

     - $150 for an Initial Intake (60 minutes)

     - $150 for a 60-minute follow-up

     - $125 for a 45-minute session

Fees for trainings and workshops vary. Please schedule a consultation so we can talk!

I know, right?!  

I always ask individual clients, “What are you hoping to get out of this process?” The more time you put into contemplating that question, the more you’ll get out of therapy.  

Some folks feel relief after just one session. For others, it may take many sessions to build a trusting relationship. I’m committed to helping you set goals and assess whether you’re getting what you came for. If not, I’ll help you identify other treatment options.  

My personal philosophy is that the cost of therapy (both the money and the time) should not INCREASE your level of distress. I’m busy creating content that people can access for free (bookmark this website!). If individual therapy is out of your reach right now, I hope that you’ll explore other affordable options in the community.